Thursday, April 17, 2008

Police Activities League (PAL)

Police Activities League

Telephone: 847-0177

Organization works with other agencies and help to meet the needs of the youths. Such as basketball, baseball, volleyball, flag football, paddling, judo/karate, kung fu, & tennis.

The Hawaii Isle Police Activities League serves the Island of Hawaii and its young people. Its primary function is to provide athletic activities for children ages 5-18. HI-PAL works with the County Parks and Recreation Department to provide activities and opportunities for children in order to build character and self-confidence through athletics.

HI-PAL's activities include softball, baseball, basketball, tennis and volleyball. Its East Hawaii staff includes a sergeant and a civilian recreational director; its West Hawaii staff consists of two police officers.

The HI-PAL baseball program currently includes teams in the Puna, South Hilo and Kona Districts. In East Hawaii, there are four T-ball teams for 6- and 7-year-olds; five Coach Pitch teams for 8- and 9-year-olds; two Mustang teams for 9- and 10-year-olds, three Bronco teams for 11- and 12-year-olds; two Pony teams for 13- and 14-year-olds and three Colt teams for 15- and 16- year-olds. In West Hawaii, there are three teams in each of the following divisions: T-ball, C-ball and Mustang. The Bronco Division has four teams. There are currently no Pony or Colt teams in West Hawaii. HI-PAL provides equipment to the teams and each year sponsors division tournaments. The season runs from January to July.

HI-PAL's volleyball program currently has four girls teams in the Hilo area -- one high school, one intermediate and two elementary. The girls volleyball season runs from September to December. The high School volleyball league is held in April and May.
Acquiring the Boys & Girls Club athletic facilities for HI-PAL to run its programs has been positive for HI-PAL and the club. Time, money and manpower is being used to upgrade the facilities.

The basketball program is a year-round event. In January, HI-PAL co-sponsors a 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament with Hope Chapel in Kona at the Keauhou Shopping Center. The tourney draws participants from 5 to 14 years old and is open to both boys and girls. From February to May, P&R sponsors a Girls Basketball League, and HI-PAL sponsors about five teams from elementary through intermediate grades. HI-PAL sponsors a league basketball tournament in May in which teams from Ka'u through Kona participate annually. During the summer, HI-PAL sponsors a summer basketball league in both East and West Hawaii. The divisions are: 8 and Under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14 and Girls Intermediate and Elementary. During September through November, HI-PAL sponsors an islandwide Boys Intermediate Basketball League. In October, HI-PAL sponsors an Eight and Under Tournament in Hilo. Eleven teams took part in the first annual October Slam last year. P&R sponsors an age group basketball league between October and January. Each year during December 26-39, HI-PAL sponsors the Winter Basketball Clinic.

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