Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hawaiian Humane Society

Hawaiian Humane Society
Contact Information:
Hawaiian Humane Society
2700 Waialae Ave
Honolulu, HI 96826

Telephone: Events & Promotions Info Line 356-2290
Education 356-2206
Community Relations 356-2212


The Society's mission—to teach and promote the humane treatment of all living creatures—is a joyful one full of challenges and opportunities. Meeting these challenges is a dedicated staff of about 60 who care for healthy animals and treat sick animals, investigate a constant stream of complaints, teach classes, train dogs and groom cats. Their efforts are multiplied by about 1,000 volunteers, who donate time each year.
The Hawaiian Humane Society serves the Oahu community through numerous programs that enrich the lives of humans and animals. We invite you to take advantage of our services whenever you need them. We're here to help!
Other Programs & ServicesPets of Patriots ProgramDog Bite Prevention ProgramDog ParksEducation ProgramsFeral Cat SterilizationPet IdentificationNeuter NowPalsPaws on the Path Hiking Club Pet Loss Support GroupPet Visits to Seniors & Health Facilities
AnimalportEuthanasiaHumane TrapsNuisance ComplaintsSheltering

hhs map

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